Helping the decision process #MagazineSciencesOuest (FR)

ALICE has been interviewed and presented within Science-Ouest Magazine. This magazine is dedicated to promote research actions to a wide and non-specialist audience.

The article is entitled “Helping the decision process…” thanks to the assessment and valuation of ecosystems services and to the exploration of the futures.

We use the knowledge acquired over the past 20 years in the Couesnon watershed of the Armorique Workshop Zone. We extract the most relevant indicators (biodiversity, ecosystem productivity) to reveal these cascading consequences.

Cendrine Mony

The idea is to show, on maps, the effects on landscapes and ecosystems on prospective scenarios such as those proposed by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

Thomas Houet

Once these scenarios are modeled and their potential impacts assessed, decision-makers will have to choose whether or not to invest in the protection of the ecosystem in question.


Read the full article here (in french)