
The main ALICE deliverables will be:

  • Practical guidance on how investment in Blue-Green Infrastructure Networks could be prioritized in coastal, rural and urban planning to increase Ecosystem Services delivery under realistic scenarios of global change and policy development across the Atlantic region.
  • Practical guidance on how the characterization of biodiversity and Ecosystem Services should be integrated in the current EU policy agenda (e.g. Habitats Directive, Common Agrarian Policy, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Water Framework Directive, Flood Risk management and EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy).
  • User friendly integrative modelling platform that facilitates Ecosystem Services evaluation and trade-off analyses by managers, stakeholders and business communities.
  • User manual “Towards collaborative landscape management: roadmap to a participatory assessment” that will describe the ALICE participatory framework and provide tools and lessons learned and inter-case analysis and evaluations.
  • A user friendly interface that will be created to show the impact of land planning practices on biodiversity and ecosystem services.
  • Five years after the end of the project we expect to see substantial changes on how coastal and land development and biodiversity conservation is tackled in the 4 Case Studies and a high impact on the technical-scientific community. Within this timeframe we assume that by then ALICE tools and methods could have served other EU regions.
  • Ten years after the project, we expect that new coastal and land planning already incorporate ALICE tools and methods in other regions of the EU and that the devised methods and tools could actually influence the development of new environmental policies and direct the investment in Blue-Green Infrastructure Networks beyond the case studies and the EU.