From the Stream to the Coast: Valuing Ecosystem Services to promote the Sustainable Development of River Basins

08/11/2019 09:00 - 09/11/2019 17:20
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)
Address: Quinta de Prados 5000-801 Vila Real

Committee of the International Workshop on Ecosystem  Services (IWSE)

The CITAB and CIIMAR are working together to prepare this relevant and pertinent event on Ecosystem services focus on important and current topics on this subject, namely:

  • Ecosystem services: assessment and valuation under global change
  • Smart and creative management: Linking nature and culture
  • Assessment of regulating services provided by ecosystems from catchment to coast
  • Artificial intelligence & semantic web-supported collaborative modeling for Ecosystem Services.

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