Project Board Meeting at Brest

The Project Board Meeting 4 took place 23-25th September 2019 at UMR AMURE – Centre de droit et d’économie de la mer, Université de Bretagne Occidentale held from 25th to 27th of September.

Market failure is one of the most important issues for getting real investment for BGINS for ES delivery.

All BGIN provider has to go through a long process involving regulations, providing information to many agencies related to different aspects related to the environment, water quality, pollution, etc. To overcome this barrier they would need “translators” to make this information reachable.

Diane Burgess (AFBI)
[WP7 – Payment for Ecosystem Services]

Main issues addressed on ALICE Case Studies:


Political uncertainty, cross-border challenges, water quality (moderate at the moment), invasive species, biosecurity, conflict between interested parties (wildfires, management, etc), land owner buy-in barriers…


Flooding, fires and conservation. It is complex because of the relationships of rural population and farmers, fires and CAP subsidies. Cattle farming reduced at a half during the last century but the amount of grass maintains…


LULC changes because majority of the territory is agricultural, which affects severely water quality and biodiversity…


Water Quality, forest management, improvement of the connectivity of the Douro river, riparian corridors and improvement of fish barriers…